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What Makes Tower Defense Games so Enjoyable?

Rate this Article It’s rather incredible how addictive tower games are. Players get hooked the moment they start playing them because of how enjoyable they are and in this article we’ll be talking about just what makes these games so much fun to play and why people can’t get enough of them. Tough Games - What Makes Tower Defense Games so Enjoyable?

Of course it’s worth mentioning beforehand that the majority of this article is opinionated and there’s always a chance that your opinion might differ a bit from ours. However, we’re pretty certain that if you enjoy playing tower defense games, you’ll probably agree with most of our points.

First and foremost, perhaps the biggest factor behind the immensely enjoyable nature of these games is the fact that they allow players to let their creativity loose. In a tower defense game, it’s completely up to the players how they want to setup their defenses, their towers and all their other structures. The simple factor of creativity alone is enough to make sure that players don’t ever get enough of playing these games.

Aside from just creativity, the other key reason behind the addictive nature of these games is the fact that they have an absolutely insane amount of replay value. You can probably replay every single one of the levels in these games multiple times and still want to replay it again because there are just so many ways through which you can complete a level. You can try out new defensive setups, new ways to use your abilities, new ways to counter the enemies, different kinds of towers and various other things every time you play a level and these reasons are exactly why these games have such a high replay value.

Bloons TD6 is a fantastic example of an enjoyable Tower Defense game

One of the big reasons a lot of these players keep coming back to tower defense games over and over again is the fact that they’re usually updated quite often. Developers are constantly adding new features to these games such as new levels, new defensive structures, new abilities and more so even if you’ve finished these games once, you’ll probably have more to look forward to in a couple of weeks and this is one of the biggest reasons why players just can’t get enough of a particular tower defense game once they get into it.

On top of all their usual gameplay features, tower defense games defense games worth their salt are also usually accompanied by some top notch visuals that make these games an absolute treat to look at. These games are packed with many amazing animations, sharp unit designs, highly detailed battlegrounds, loads of animations and various other visual elements that make these games great to look at even for people who aren’t actually playing and are simply watching someone else play.

All said and done, the aforementioned reasons are why we feel that tower defense games are an absolute delight to play. While on the subject, if you haven’t played any tower defense games before then we definitely recommend trying a few out because they’re just so much fun to play.

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