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Domů Hry Summoner's Gate
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Strategy 3D CompetitiveManagement Facebook
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Build your own kingdom from the ground up and secure it from all the invading forces of the outside world.

Establish your empire with all the infrastructures and defenses it needs along with the necessary resources to grow and survive.

Amass legions of powerful armies to pillage nearby towns and cities for their resources. Summoner's Gate Hodnocení

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Sat, May 23, 2015

Předána Nová Hra: Summoner's Gate

Summoner's Gate Player Castle and Base Attacking Legion in Summoner's Gate Summoner's Gate City Builds and Upgrades Build your own kingdom from the ground up and secure it from all the invading forces of the outside world.

Establish your empire with all the infrastructures and defenses it needs along with the necessary resources to grow and survive.

Amass legions of powerful armies to pillage nearby towns and cities for their resources.
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